WOW! What an ordeal!
Unfortunately our web site host suffered yet another server crash a couple of days ago and was just able to resolve it this afternoon!
Having said that.... I am done with Neutral Web. They had been really good hosts but their server seems to crash hard every month or so. As soon as possible, I will begin migrating to the new host - Go Daddy. When I perform the transfer, I am also going to take the opportunity to switch from Mambo to WordPress. Hopefully the site will be easier to navigate and it will run leaner.
Until then, please keep using the site, forums, etc... as normal.
Don't forget, you can call in on the Ink 'n Doodles call in line at 1-262-435-5528 and e-mails can be sent to
In the event that the site goes down again before I have a chance to migrate (heaven forbid!) you can go to or leave an e-mail at
Thanks, now go create something!